Want Filler, But Afraid It’s Not Safe?

Dec 1, 2023


Filler is one of the aesthetic procedures aimed at filling empty areas on the face or other parts of the body to achieve a younger and fresher appearance. Undoubtedly, for some people, Filler is considered a frightening aesthetic procedure, whereas in reality, it’s actually safe, Dears. Here are the myths VS facts about Filler that you must know.

  • Filler contains hyaluronic acid, one of the substances found in the human body. Therefore, performing Filler treatment is actually safe because the substance is similar to what already exists in the body, Dears.
  • As Filler contains Hyaluronic Acid, it can be absorbed over time, giving the impression that the “filler has run out.” So, don’t forget about touch-ups!
  • Have you ever had filler and didn’t like the result? Filler can be removed with an anti-filler.
  • Filler is only for women? No, men can also have fillers.
  • Can fillers move around? No, Dears. The filler will remain in place, so there’s no need to worry.
  • Many say that makeup shouldn’t be applied after Filler. It’s actually okay, just avoid pressing on the areas where the Filler has been injected…

But most importantly, when you want to get Filler, make sure to go to a licensed and trustworthy clinic, with experienced doctors. Because what determines whether your Filler results are okay or not is the doctor or injector.

Let’s try Filler at dr. Belle Aesthetic Clinic.

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